People with diabetes are at risk of losing their feet. Correct footwear reduces this risk by over 50%. Our stylish diabetic footwear is loved by patients and doctors alike and is being sold in 47 hospitals and clinics.
I have walked 10+kms in your footwear in all sorts of terrain including farmlands and beaches.. 1) I was very comfortable 2) No one asked me if I was diabetic 😅 Well done Vidhan !
Dr. Kishore, COO at Apollo Hospitals (NRI 360)
I've been wearing it since the last couple of months. Must say I am extremely satisfied. Its light, durable, flexible enough, easy to wear & above all, very stylish!! Well done Dr Brinsley. Keep it going.
Viren Nanavati, Type-2 Diabetic
They're terrific! I really like the designs and my feet feel like they're being massaged!
Stephen, Type-2 Diabetic
Intro to Dr. Brinsley
Globally-researched product
1. India - Identifying design goals by meeting hundreds of diabetologists, podiatrists, patients 2. Italy - Learning the art of shoemaking and innovating at the component level 3. US - Consulting key thoughtleaders and reiterating our designs
There existed inherent challenges in making diabetic footwear that looked good. To work with these complex design constraints, we spent a lot of time in Italy working with our partners to use the latest in shoe technology in components and materials to address these goals.